2021 Welcome Back to School
School commences on Wednesday 27 January 2021 at 8:50am. Please ensure your children have their required equipment from their appropriate book list and the correct uniform to ensure they enjoy a successful start to the year.
Black Shoes – White Socks
Please ensure your children help to make our school look and feel great in 2021. It is an expectation EVERY STUDENT in every year level will have BLACK SHOES (joggers) and WHITE SOCKS to commence the year. Navy shorts/skirt/skorts not denim pants or jeans.
We want your old Uniforms, Hats and Black Shoes
If your child left school last year or has grown out of their school, sports shirt, hat, shoes, jumper etc. and they are in good condition please consider donating them back to the school. Please drop cleaned uniforms at the office. These will assist some of our families greatly and also assist us to ensure everyone has access to a school uniform.
Uniform Shop 2021 Opening Times - (Week before school starts.)
The uniform shop hours for the holidays are:
Monday 18 January: 8:00am – 9:30am
Wednesday 20 January: 8:00am – 9:30am
Friday 22 January 8:00am – 9:30am
Volunteers are required to assist sell uniforms, please leave a message for Corinne (at the office) who is organising helpers for these days.
Remember all helpers are volunteers giving up their holiday time to assist families get organised for the start of the year so please show them your appreciation. I very much appreciate their extra efforts at busy times of the year to accommodate our new and existing families. Please show your appreciation with a smile and a thank you.
Tuckshop 2021
Once again, tuckshop will open 3 days from start of Term 1 next year – Tuesday/Thursday/Friday.
This means Tuckshop will NOT be available on Wednesday the first day of Term.
If you can volunteer next year please see the office or get in touch with our convenor Gunnar.