On this page you will find the relevant documents required for enrolment at Maleny State School. Please complete the documents and bring them along to your interview, which can be arranged via the school office.
Children must turn 5 by 30th June in the year they start Prep. The Kindy Calculator (bottom of the page) is available to confirm ages for when children can start in Kindy, Prep and Year 1.
Prep Enrolment Interviews
Enrolment interviews for all Prep students will be held on Wednesday 11, Thursday 12, and Friday 13 October. Contact Maleny State School office on Ph 5499 8333 to organise your Enrolment Package and arrange an interview time for you and your child. For more information on Prep Enrolments and Transition Days see our dedicated
Prep Enrolment page.
Print copies of all of the forms and documents below can be sourced form the school administration office.
Enrolment Package
Step 1: Download and complete the school enrolment package. It includes 6 forms in the one package. All must be completed.
Step 2: Download and complete the appropriate parent questionnaire.
Step 3: Access additional information documents as appropriate.
Step 4: Identify class resource list for the year level/s required.
Instrumental Music Program
For information on Maleny State School's Instrumental Music Program please download the Information Booklet (click to download) for full details and the Instrumental Music Teacher's contact details.
Additional Information can be found on the Instrumental Music Program Information Page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact the office for clarification.