Maleny State School is a PBL school
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school approach to creating a safe and supportive environment that has a strong evidence-base and is used in many Queensland State Schools. It uses preventative, teaching and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behaviour outcomes.
Maleny State School PBL mission statement
Our school community is dedicated to promoting respectful, responsible and safe learners in a caring and inclusive learning environment. Our mission is to celebrate diversity, foster resilience and support children to be their best selves.
We encourage children to:
- make good choices;
- take responsibility for their behaviour; and
- develop effective communication skills for positive participation in society.
PBL is a 3-Tiered Approach to Prevention
PBL provides a model of support for all students, consisting of three tiers of intervention. The tiers represent levels of intervention and do not represent students. Tier 1, or universal interventions, are the critical foundation for PBL. Interventions are at the whole-school level and are provided to all students across academic, emotional and behavioural domains.

PBL at Maleny State School
PBL was introduced at Maleny State School in 2006 and remains as our school’s approach of explicitly teaching students acceptable behaviour. Our PBL team meets regularly to review a variety of data, evaluate school systems and implement change.
What are the PBL guiding principles?
- Teaching expected behaviours through explicit instruction, with opportunities for students to practise behaviour and get feedback.
- Stepping in early can prevent more serious behaviour problems.
- Our school gathers and uses data to make decisions about behaviour interventions.
- School staff members are consistent in how they encourage expected behaviour and discourage misbehaviour.
Why is PBL important at Maleny State School?
- To increase teaching time and improve academic outcomes.
- To reduce rates of inappropriate behaviour across the school.
- To keep the school's Student Code of Conduct updated, relevant and ensure consistent management of inappropriate behaviours.
- To improve the positive feeling (culture) of the school and classrooms.
What are our 4 Be Rules?
Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be a Learner
These 4 Be Rules are spoken about in all areas of the school by all staff at Maleny State School.
Our most prominent visuals:

The logo represents
each of the “4 Be” rules and their associated icons and colours.

We encourage students
to use the high 5 strategies as a problem-solving tool. We teach them the different strategies so
that they can choose the “best fit” for the situation.
PBL Matrix
The PBL behaviour matrix includes specific behaviours that are taught and expected at Maleny State School. There are a number of “Buzz Phrases" featured at the top of the matrix that are used to help teach different behaviours (e.g. Manners Matter, Bounce Back, Choose to Defuse).

SWPBS Fortnightly Focus Teaching Sequence
The Teaching Sequence is an outline of the specific lesson focus with 'Buzz phrases' that are taught each fortnight. Throughout the year, fortnightly focuses will change depending on data collected.
At times, the PBL team will introduce a SMART GOAL which addresses behaviours identified from whole school data across all settings. The acknowledgement system in this case is balls in the ROCKET. As it is a whole school focus, the whole school is positively acknowledged when the rocket is filled.

Positive Rewards – 4 Be Cards and Hive Prizes
4 Be cards acknowledge and reward students displaying appropriate behaviour. When students display appropriate behaviour or make positive behaviour choices, a 4 Be card will be given to them. Once a student has attained 10 cards/stamps they can exchange this for a reward from the negotiated class list.

Student Code of Conduct
Maleny State School's Student Code of Conduct can be viewed by clicking on this link.