Register for Prep now! Don’t wait.
It is essential that parents who have not contacted the office to register their child for Prep in 2025 do so now. Please do not assume we know you are coming. Registration can be completed in a one-minute phone call (Ph54998333) or an email to admin@malenyss.eq.edu.au.
Note: all students will require a birth certificate before commencing Prep in 2025. I look forward to meeting with you soon. If you know a family in the area that has a Prep eligible student for 2025 please encourage them to contact us immediately.
Prep Enrolment Interview Dates:
If you have not booked your Prep enrolment interview with your child please do so as soon as possible.
Prep Enrolment Interviews will be held on
- Tuesday 8 October,
- Wednesday 9 October,
- Thursday 10 and
- Friday 11 October.
Please Call 54998333 to book your 20 min interview with your child.
Welcome to Prep and Transition Days
Students need to be enrolled to attend our transition days on the 30 October, 6 and 13 November from 9:00am to 10:00am. Parents can order uniforms for students on these days. Parents must attend these sessions with their children. A school tour will be given by myself at 10:00am.
Prep Information Session
A Prep information session will be held in our school Innovation Centre on Wednesday 16 October at 5:00pm. Teachers will explain in detail to parents what Prep is all about and answer specific questions on matters of interest.