
Leaving the school grounds during the school day


Procedures for students leaving the school grounds during the school day 

We’d like to remind all parents of the procedures for a child leaving the school grounds during the day. Normal drop off and collection times at the beginning and end of the day, parents/ carers are welcome to collect their children from the nominated collection points (school gate, line up areas, etc). 

In the event your child/ren need to be picked up early (for family reasons, illness or medical appointments, etc) parents and carers are to report to the school office to collect their child/ren and have their child/ren signed out by an Administration Officer. This is outlined in the school information booklet available on the school enrolment page of our website. 


Once a child enters the school grounds he/she must remain in the school grounds throughout the day. If parents need to collect a child/ren from school, they are required to meet their child/ren at the office where they are signed out by the Administration Officer. Children will not be permitted to walk home alone or to wait at gates etc. during the school day. Parents are required to advise the school if anyone other than the residential parent is collecting a child/ren from school during school hours for the safety of students. Parents should impress on their child/children the dangers to their personal safety and security in leaving the school grounds without permission or unsupervised. 

If a parent/carer has signed up for QParents, you are able to explain future absences and absences afterwards via the app or QParents website. However, in the case of a planned or unplanned pickup during the school day, as per the policy above, please collect your children from the Office and the absence will be recorded by one of our Administration staff. 

This policy is designed to ensure all children are safe when at school and that planned or unexpected pickups during the day don’t cause any confusion or worry for the parents, teachers and staff involved. Thank you for helping our school run safely and effectively.     

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Last reviewed 13 September 2023
Last updated 13 September 2023