About the Instrumental Music Program
Children of the appropriate age i.e. year 4, 5 or 6 can choose to play an instrument and be involved in the school’s instrumental music program.
In previous years, Maleny State School has had a good quality and positive instrumental music program which has also included a talented school band. Mr Hill (Instrumental Music Teacher) is looking forward to the challenge of maintaining this high level of musical skill amongst the students involved in the instrumental music programs.
Instrumental music is a great opportunity for your child to begin to learn an instrument, join the school/district concert band and perform at both school and community events.
Studies have shown that learning a musical instrument helps students improve academic results. Learning a musical instrument is like exercise for the brain.
Sign up for the coming year's Instrumental Music Program is at the bottom of this page.
Instruments on offer
Below are instruments on offer and links to videos of these instruments:

2024 Program
If your child is interested in learning one of these listed instruments, please click on the link below and fill in the form by Thursday 16th November 2023.
Please note – piano or guitar, is not offered.
All students will be involved in a number of basic musical tests which may determine whether your son/daughter is suitable to learn a musical instrument and which instrument. Please note, there are a limited number of instruments available at each school. The easiest way to join the school Instrumental Music Program is to acquire your own instrument for 2024.
For further information, please do not hesitate in contacting Nathan Hill - Instrumental Music Teacher at Maleny State School or vai email at nhill37@eq.edu.au.