

The Maleny State School Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is a group of community minded people, parents and citizens, who take on a more formal role to assist the school in:
  • Fostering general community interest in educational and school related issues

  • Providing advice and recommendations to the Principal and other staff members on issues that affect students and the general operations of the school

  • Providing financial or other resources through fundraising activities for the development of an optimum learning environment

  • Managing the day-to-day running of the Tuckshop, including a paid Convenor Gunnar Jonsson who also coordinates a group of volunteers

  • Managing the running of the Uniform Shop (8.30-9.00am on Fridays) and the various associated tasks of ordering, stock take, sales, payments etc, with at least four (4) volunteers, including a Uniform Shop Coordinator

Joining the P&C Association is a great way to keep informed, to contribute to the quality education of your children and to make new friends. Your contribution can be as large or small as you can manage, but your ongoing support of the P&C Association is invaluable. You can learn new skills, and gain a clear understanding of how the school operates. This is a great opportunity to share in the school’s decision-making process and shape the future. Research has shown that parent involvement in a child’s education makes a significant contribution to the child’s success at school.

Executive Members 

  • President ( ) - Vacant
  • Vice Presidents ( ) - Merrick Ilett, Mariska Van Der Veen
  • Secretary ( ) - Vacant
  • Treasurer ( ) – Yvette Pollock
  • Assistant Treasurer -  Erin Porter

Meetings and Membership

The P&C Association meet on the second Wednesday of every month (unless notified otherwise) during school term at varying times in the Innovation Centre (library) Meeting Room.  Membership is open to all parents and interested citizens and is renewable each year at the annual general meeting in March, including office bearer positions. A person must apply for membership of the Association by completing and submitting an application form and will be considered for acceptance at the end of the next P&C Meeting.

Volunteer register

The P&C run various activities throughout the year and always need the help of volunteers (in addition to Tuckshop and Uniform Shop), who don’t have to be members of the P&C. If you would like to help, please send your name, email address and phone number to and we will put your name on the volunteer register so we can let you know when help is needed.

For any enquiries please contact: 

Last reviewed 13 August 2024
Last updated 13 August 2024